October 3-5, 2025

Renaissance Hotel Downtown Asheville

31 Woodfin Street Asheville, NC 28001

Exhibit Dates & Hours*


Thursday, October 2, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM 

Friday, October 3, 8:00AM - 9:30 AM

Show Hours 

Friday, October 3, 2025

9:30 AM – 5:00 PM

Networking Reception 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Saturday, October 4, 2025

8:00 AM – 3:30 PM

Tear Down

Saturday October 4, 2025

3:30 PM - 4:00 PM


*Hours subject to change



The Pain Society of the Carolinas is an association of physicians and healthcare practitioners whose mission is to serve people who suffer from acute and chronic pain by advancing research and treatment and to increase the knowledge and skill of the regional professional community.  We are pleased to announce that the 2025 program will continue to attract 200-plus pain management specialists, family practice physicians with a clinical interest in pain management, anesthesiologists, orthopedics, physiatrists, neurologists, surgeons, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, therapists and healthcare professionals from North Carolina, South Carolina, and our neighboring States who wish to network and learn the latest techniques, treatments, and options in acute and chronic pain management. We invite you to support and exhibit at the 2025 Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions.


Projected attendance for the Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions includes an anticipated 200–plus pain management specialists, family physicians with a clinical interest in pain management, anesthesiologists, orthopedics, physiatrists, neurologists, surgeons, general practitioners, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, therapists and healthcare professionals from North Carolina, South Carolina, and our neighboring States who have an interest in and /or  a pain management practice and specialize in acute and chronic pain management.

 Exhibit Information


Renaissance Hotel Downtown Asheville. To encourage optimum interaction, the Exhibit Hall will be located in close proximity to sessions and within the guidelines of ACCME rules.  Corporate Members have priority display placement.  The exhibit area will serve as the venue for all refreshment breaks as well as the Friday Evening Networking Reception.


Hotel Accommodations

On behalf of the meeting participants, the Society has secured sleeping rooms at The Renaissance Hotel Downtown Asheville at the significantly discounted rate of $239.00 To ensure availability, please reserve your room as soon as possible and no later  than Friday  September 12, 2025.   Your reservation is subject to the Hotel Cancellation policy outlined in your Hotel Confirmation.



Exhibitors and Supporters are free to visit the meeting venue at their convenience. Please contact the venue directly to arrange a tour. 


Cost/Payment – Exhibit is a 6-foot tabletop display

Cost per -Tabletop is $3,950 which includes:

➢ (1) 6’ table (2) chairs - YOUR DISPLAY MUST FIT ON A 6-Foot TABLETOP.

➢ (2) representative badges – Additional badges may be purchased for $350.00 each.  EACH REPRESENTATIVE AT THE MEETING MUST BE REGISTERED AND NO SUBSTITUTIONS ARE PERMITTED. 

➢        Participation in the Networking Reception on Friday, October 3, 2025

The Society accepts Visa, MasterCard, Company Check or ACH. 

Refunds and Cancellations

Cancellations received in writing by September 1, 2025  will be subject to a $500 administrative fee. There will be no refunds for cancellations received after September 1, 2025

Space Assignment

Space will be assigned in the order in which applications with full payment are received.  Corporate Members are given priority placement. The application deadline is September 1, 2025.  Applications received after this date will be on a space available basis. Exhibitors wishing to avoid assignment of space adjacent to a particular competitor should indicate this on their application. 

The Program Committee reserves the right to alter the Floor plan at any time without prior notice.

 Exhibit Services

On or about September 3, 2025 the Pain Society of the Carolinas will issue a memorandum to registered exhibiting companies. The memorandum will contain all necessary information and order forms including:

➢        Drayage and shipping rates

➢        Labor regulations and rates

➢        Furniture, display and decorating rentals

➢        Electrical, WiFi and telephone service rates 

➢        Audiovisual and computer rentals


Shipping Information

Shipments should be made through the Pain Society of the Carolinas and the Renaissance Hotel Downtown Asheville, 31 Woodfin Street Asheville, NC 28001. Shipping instructions will be included in the Exhibitor memorandum issued 30 days prior to the meeting.

Mailing List

Each registered and paid exhibitor will receive a pre-registration list approximately 30 days before the meeting, an updated list one week prior to the start of the meeting, and a final registration list within 3 days after the meeting. Use of this list will be restricted to a one time only use and information directly related to the meeting.

 Badge Policy

All participants affiliated with exhibits must be registered. Each person will be issued an exhibitor badge and must be employed by the Exhibitor or have a direct business affiliation. Each company is allotted two badges per tabletop purchased. Additional badges are $350 each - no exchanging badges allowed. Company representative names and email addresses are due by email to Lisa Lineback at lisa@painsocieties.org on or before September 1, 2025.

Conducting Exhibits

Exhibitors shall be in accord with the ACCME, PhRMA, ADVAMED, NEMA guidelines and laws governing support of Healthcare Professionals. Electrical or other mechanical apparatus must be muffled so noise does not interfere with other exhibitors. Character of the exhibits is subject to approval of the program committee. The right is reserved to refuse applications because of concerns over not meeting standards required or expected, as well as the right to curtail exhibits or parts of exhibits, which reflect against the character of the meeting. This applies to displays, literature, advertising, novelties, souvenirs, conduct of person, and unreasonable activity. 


Interviews, demonstrations and the distribution of literature or samples must be made within the area assigned to the exhibitor. Canvassing or distributing of advertising matter outside the exhibitor’s own space will not be permitted and subjects the exhibitor to immediate dismissal from the meeting without refund.


A security guard may or may not be furnished to be on duty in the exhibit area when the exhibits are closed, but the safekeeping of the exhibitor’s property shall remain the responsibility of the exhibitor at all times. The Pain Society of the Carolinas and Renaissance Hotel Downtown Asheville are not responsible for theft, loss or damage which may occur and advise each exhibitor to be sure that stands and tabletop displays, equipment and material is insured at full value, that the display is staffed during show hours, and that the display is stored each evening for safe keeping.


The Exhibitor assumes all responsibility and hereby agrees to protect, indemnify, defend and save the Pain Society of the Carolinas, its sponsors and endorsers, the Board of Directors, the Program Committee, members, and meeting managers as well as the Renaissance Hotel Downtown Asheville and its officers, employees and agents, harmless against all claims, losses or damages to persons or property, Governmental charges or fines and attorneys fees arising out of or caused by Exhibitor’s installation, removal, maintenance, occupancy or use of the exhibition premises or a part thereof, excluding any such liability caused by the sole negligence, gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Pain Society of the Carolinas, its Board of Directors, program committee, sponsors, endorsers, meeting managers, and Renaissance Hotel Downtown Asheville, its employees and agents. Exhibitor acknowledges that the Pain Society of the Carolinas, its sponsors, members and endorsers, the Program committee, and/or meeting managers and the Renaissance Hotel Downtown Asheville do not maintain insurance covering the exhibitor’s property and thus it is the sole responsibility and obligation of the exhibitor to obtain business interruption and property damage insurance covering such losses by exhibitor.


Fire Protection

All materials used in the exhibit area must be flame-proof and fire-resistant in order to conform to the local fire ordinances and in accordance with regulations established by the local Fire Department. Crepe paper or other paper is not to be used in crating merchandise. Display racks, signs, spotlights and special equipment must be approved before use, and all displays are subject to inspection by the Fire Prevention Bureau. Any exhibit or parts thereof found not to be fire-proof may be dismantled. All aisles and exits must be kept clear at all times. Fire stations and fire extinguisher equipment are not to be covered or obstructed.

 Protection of the Hotel Building

Exhibitors will be held liable for any damage caused to the hotel property, and no material or matter of any kind shall be posted on, tacked, nailed, screwed or otherwise attached to columns, walls, floors or other parts or portions of the building or furnishings. Whatever may be necessary to properly protect the building, equipment or furniture will be installed at the expense of the exhibitor. If any controversy arises as to the need or propriety thereof, the Convention Service Manager of the Hotel will be the final judge thereof and his/her decision shall be binding on all parties concerned.

Exhibitor Listing 

Upon receipt of the booking form, please send a 50-word Exhibitor Company/Product profile and company logo to Lisa Lineback via email lisa@painsocieties.org.  This will be published in the list of exhibitors in the Program.  Failure to provide the profile by the deadline will preclude your company from being listed in the Program. Profiles are due on or before September 1, 2025.

 Exhibitor Confirmation by Society

Once an Exhibition Booking Form is received confirmation of your participation and an invoice if payment will be made by ACH or check will be sent to you by email.  If you pay by credit card, a copy of your paid receipt will be sent to you. All payment must be received before set-up is allowed at the meeting.

ACCME Guidelines Related to the Separation of Promotional Activities from ACCME Accredited Educational Activities.

In compliance with the ACCME Standards for Commercial Support, all exhibiting companies must abide by the following:  

•     Exhibit and other promotional fees shall be separate and distinct from educational grants/commercial support. 

•     All exhibitors must be in a room or area separate from the education and the exhibits must not interfere, or in any way compete with the learning experience prior to, during, or immediately after the activity.

•     All promotional activities including interviews, demonstrations, and the distribution of literature or samples must be made within the exhibitor’s space only. Canvassing or distributing promotional materials outside the exhibitor’s rented exhibit space is not permitted. 

•     Company representatives may attend educational sessions at Pain Society of the Carolinas’ discretion. However, representatives must refrain from holding any commercial discussions in the educational sessions.

•     Onsite Monitoring - The separation of promotional materials and activities from the educational arena is strictly enforced throughout the activity by Pain Society of the Carolinas’ onsite staff.


Please note that all materials entering the venue incur a handling charge by the hotel or the Society. This includes materials for inserts and display.  In order to receive a price quote for handling and to assure arrival of your materials, please be sure to complete any “Pre-Advise” form included in the shipping instructions when you receive the Exhibitor Memorandum on or about September 3, 2025


2025 GOLD CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP                                $10,000

2025 MEETING Participation as follows:

  • Membership Designation included on all print materials, membership roster, and highlighted on website
  • One (1) Tabletop Exhibit Display in preferred location.
  • Two (2) additional complimentary registrations for a total of four (4) registrations
  • One (1) Gold Corporate Member Showcase at one of the following days/times
    • Lunch Friday, October 3, 2025 
    • Breakfast Saturday, October 4, 2025
    • Lunch Saturday, October 4, 2025

Please note that company provides food/beverage, speaker, audiovisual as an additional expense.

  • Company-Provided Product Flyer in Annual Meeting Conference Materials
  • Two e-blast invitations to all Attendees detailing the Corporate Member Showcase with RSVP to Company ORVirtual Reality Workshop Station 
  • Agenda listing of Gold Corporate Member Showcase
  • Complimentary registration for showcase speaker(s) and virtual reality workshop station proctors.
  • Participation in the Networking Reception on Friday evening October 3, 2025.


2025 CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP                                                                     $5,000

 2025 MEETING Participation as follows:

  • Membership Designation included on all print materials, membership roster, and highlighted on website
  • One (1) Tabletop Exhibit Display in preferred location.
  • Participation in the Networking Reception on Friday evening October 3, 2025.
  • One (1) additional complimentary registration for a total of three (3) registrations
  • One (1) Pre & Post Registration Mailing List
  • Company-Provided Product Flyer in Annual Meeting Conference Materials
  • Company Acknowledgement at Annual Meeting


2025 Exhibit 6 -foot tabletop display                                                          $3,950.00        

  • One (1) 6’ table (2) chairs - YOUR DISPLAY MUST FIT ON A 6-Foot TABLETOP.
  • Two (2) Complimentary representative badges – Any additional badges must be purchased for $350 each
  • Participation in the Networking Reception on Friday October 3, 2025.


PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL                                                                                           $ 500

Distributed to all attendees. Company-provided Product Flyer in the Annual Meeting conference materials.


LANYARDS                                                                                                                             $500

Distributed to all attendees.  Company-provided badge lanyard.

CONFERENCE BAGS                                                                                                            $500

Distributed to all attendees.  Company-provided conference bag.


Questions?   Call Lisa Lineback, Pain Society of the Carolinas Support and Exhibition at (336) 816-2049 or by email to lisa@painsocieties.org

We accept check, EFT, Visa, or Master Card. Sorry, we do not accept AMEX


PSOC Exhibit and Support 2025

Register Now

  • October 3 - 5, 2025
  • Renaissance Hotel Downtown Asheville
    31 Woodfin St.
    Asheville, North Carolina
    United States